Sunday, February 05, 2012

Snow in London

So, London had its first significant snowfall of the winter - some years we get no snow at all. In the last few years we've been lucky and had plenty of snow. It was very kind of it to fall on Saturday night. It's wonderful to wake up on a Sunday morning, see everything blanketed in white and know you don't have to be anywhere in particular and you can just go out at your leisure when it pleases you and enjoy the scenery - which is exactly what I did and here are the photos.

Running parallel to the road I live on is an area called The Parkland Walk. It is actually a disused railway line. There were plans to develop it but the Second World War put a stop to that and they never get around to it.

In a previous post I mentioned Stephen King's connection to the area. In one of the pictures you'll see an unusual sculpture built into one of the bridge arches and it is said that this sculpture inspired him to write his short story Crouch End, giving the area a thoroughly devilish and demonic past.


Gia said...

Beautiful pics! Snow may be a pain in the ass, but damn its perrrrty.

Terra Shield said...

Oh wow... the pictures are simply awesome.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the photos are great! thanks for posting them.

King of Scurf said...

Gia, Terra, nursemyra: I am stupidly happy with my new camera - a Canon EOS 60D digital SLR. It is very flattering to someone with only average to poor photographic skills (such as me).

sriyany said...

Very devilish indeed (the sculpture). The snow on the other hand, is simply amazing!

Good angles :)