Friday, May 25, 2012

Was it like this in the war?

Summer has arrived in the UK. We're basking in temperatures in the mid to high twenties which is about as good as it gets in the UK. Fortunately that's about as much as I want. Any more and I start to wilt.
There are a few signs of summer that regularly appear. I get a recurring visit of ladybirds in my spare room. Cute, I hear you squeal. Not so. In some years there are dozens every day. They congregate in the corners of windows and leave a sticky residue. Then they die and I find the little dried out husks of their bodies all over the floor. Some days I just go in there and vacuum them up - dead or alive. It's a known problem.

Another sign of summer is the distinctive thrum of vintage heavy bomber aircraft cruising overhead. I've already had one flypast this year.  I seem to live on their flightpath taking them to and from  wherever they are based somewhere north of London.

It now seems every year there will be a couple of events in Central London that require some sort of commemorative display of aircraft. They used to bring them out every time the old queen mother lived to see another birthday - remind the old girl of the war and the good old days.

This year I'm expecting a few - the Queen's Diamond Jubilee I'm sure will bring them out as I hope will the Olympics...

The Red Arrows will certainly make an appearance...

And being a nostalgic sort of country we'll probably have Spitfires (watch this!)....

or Lancasters ( I just love the sound they make)....

and if we're very lucky, maybe a Vulcan....

I love it.


Terra Shield said...

The second video almost made me gasp, the plane was so cLose to the narrator!

I didn't think ladybirds could be such a pain. I don't see them too often, but I find them very pretty. I's sad that an invasive species is killing off all the native ones, though, although that's expected.

nursemyra said...

My dad was a rear gunner in Lancasters during the war.

King of Scurf said...

Terra: I was going to say it's hair-raising....but it's actually almost hair-removing.

King of Scurf said...

nursemyra: They were very brave men.