Thursday, October 07, 2010

In Touch With My Feminine Side...

A recent post at Really Quite Useful led me to which is a website which will analyse your blog and tell you the age and gender it believes the blogger to be and a general analysis of the blog...

" is probably written by a female somewhere between 26-35 years old. The writing style is personal and happy most of the time."


nursemyra said...

I did this on someone else's blog and it pegged me as being an old woman too. What's the definition of insanity - isn't it doing the same thing and expecting a different result?

I'm not doing it again

Terra Shield said...

I did the test... and I'm apparently aged between 66 and 100! (Even my parents have a few more years to reach the minimum age, LOL)

Another site said I was of indeterminate gender. Oh well.

King of Scurf said...

nursemyra: The first sign of Madness? Seeing Suggs coming up your driveway. Boom boom. I thank you.

Terra: You should interpret it as meaning you are wise beyond your years.